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  • Registrant : 荒川区
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/10/24
  • Published : 2023/10/24
  • Changed :2023/10/24
  • Total View : 556 persons
2023/10/10 - 2024/4/21 / 荒川区 / Other

The 10th Downtown Flower ・ Fest !.

These unique stores are dotted throughout the downtown area and are owned by shopkeepers who are full of human kindness.

Distribute a stamp pad that is combined with a MAP listing participating stores to encourage people to learn about the participating stores and visit them to use the stamps.
For every five stores that collect stamps, an extra ticket will be issued that can be used at each store. The extra coupons can be used at participating stores during the period and for a certain period after the period.
Enjoy the stamp rally while sharing the extra coupons with friends and acquaintances.
If you go around a lot and collect 50 stamps, you will be awarded the title of Hana Fest Freak, 100 stamps will earn you Hana Fest Mania, 150 stamps will earn you Hana Fest Master, and you will be awarded the title of Hana Fest Grand Master as well as other wonderful gifts.

Venue At each store ( 138 houses in Arakawa-ku, 11 houses in Adachi-ku, 5 houses in Kita-ku, 12 houses in Taito-ku, 4 tourist spots ).
Address 荒川区
Date 2023/10/10 - 2024/4/21
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Vivinavi - Events

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